Hi my critical research project is on lost and why it's such a international media success.
The primary research that I've done already is textual analysis, I've watched every episode of Lost to date. And I've analsised the general plot of the show e.g. almost always ends with a cliff hanger. Interesting connections to each main characters past, and the future in the case of the last episode of season three, how the characters are connected but don't know it.
I'm also doing short interviews asking watchers of Lost three questions.
Secondary research that I've studied is mostly from wikipedia as it gives quite a bit of info into what went on in ABC as Lost was created how much money has been pumped into the show the risks that were taken people were fired because of those risks e.g. the head of ABC was fired (If only they knew the success it would be). The problems that ABC have encountered for instance the writers guild strike over pay wages. Forums have also been good.
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