Internet Sources On the OC...
One of the most useful sources through using internet sources is because it enables me to view almost any episode of the OC from any series that i choose, which is helpful for viewers who want to catch up on any missed episodes or eager fans who want to get ahead of he story lines and watch future episodes.
That was the first ever episode of the OC found on youtube posted by VictorYi.
Another reason as to why youtube is an essential part of my research is that i came across a vital piece of information in which Charlie Brooker explains or rather RANTS about tv dramas such as the OC making individual viewers feel inadequate about their own lives. This was extremely useful as it will help me to answer my question and be one step closer to understanding why such programmes have such an impact... is also another useful site as they contain pages and pages of fansites dedicated to the OC. Myspace allows fans from across the world to join together on a particular fansite to share views and post blogs discussing the show and its characters. I will be able to look at a few of these fansites and compare them in its differences to see how the creators of that page try to get as many views and subscriptions to their pages by posting pictures of all the casts, divulging information about the celebrities or the show etc...

This is a printscreen image of one of the OC's fansites on consists of cast pictures, OC polls, quizzes to test OC fans on their knowledge about the show and links to individual cast myspaces such as Seth Cohen's myspace.
Using the Google search engine i found the UK official OC site on channel four...consisting of biographies of the cast, forums, quizzes, galleries etc. All the necessary information to satisfy OC fans around the UK..

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