Monday, 10 December 2007


How many research methods?


Textual analysis - I have watched the whole of the first series of skins and am waiting for the next coming in feb 2008!!
Message boards - I have signed up to a skins message board and am added on the skins community on myspace.


I have looked at books based on TV Dramas in the library.
I have looked at many skins websites, though it's not as popular as big american shows like 'heroes'
Search engines have helped me find all relevant websites.
In this case wikipedia was not very helpful and has very limited information.

Which has been useful?
I think that being in the skins community has been helpful as I get regular emails updating me on what is happening and how the new series of skins is coming along. The tv dramas book did also help me a little bit but is not relevant to skins.

Which other methods will i use?
I'm in the proccess of writing a questionaire and will interview teenagers on skins.
I also need to find something in newspapers about it and will post questions in a forum to see what their responses are.



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